To enter the Indonesian territory, every Foreigner must have a legal and valid (i) passport; (ii) visa as the entry document (except those who are exempt from the obligation to have a Visa); and (iii) stay permit to legally stay and visit Indonesia.
Visa is granted to foreigners who are visiting Indonesia for the first time. Its function is as a valid document to enter Indonesia territory. Indonesian immigration may reject the entry of foreigners if they do not have visas, except those who are exempted from the obligation to have a visa. Visa consists of:
- Diplomatic Visa;
- Official Visa;
- Visit Visa; and
- Limited Stay Visa.
Other than a visa, there is also a stay permit. It will be granted if the foreigners are already obtained a visa. If the foreigners get a limited stay visa, then they will be entitled to get a limited stay permit, and so on.
Stay permit is given to foreigners in accordance with the visa they have. Stay Permit consists of:
- Diplomatic Residence Permit (Izin Tinggal diplomatic);
- official residence permit (Izin tinggal dinas);
- Visit Stay Permit (izin tinggal kunjungan);
- Limited Stay Permit (KITAS); and
- Permanent Residence Permit (KITAP).
Every foreigner in the Indonesian territory must not have more than 1 (one) stay permit.
In this article, we will be more focused to explain the Visit Stay Permit, KITAS, and KITAP.

The visit visa/visit stay permit has its own purpose of visit, length of stay and also the requirements for foreigners to be eligible to hold the visit visa. Other than that, the visit visa has the choice of a single entry, multiple entries, and upon arrival. Please see below the complete explanation for the visit visa/visit stay permit.
The purpose of visit visa is for:
- Travelling;
- government duty;
- education, including comparative studies, short courses, and short training;
- socio-cultural, arts and culture, non-commercial sports;
- tourism;
- pre-investment (activities in the context of starting a business include field surveys and/or feasibility studies);
- business, conduct business talks;
- family;
- journalism;
- stopovers to continue the journey to other countries;
- provide guidance, counselling, and training in the application and innovation of industrial technology to improve the quality and design of industrial products as well as foreign marketing cooperation for Indonesia;
- carry out emergency and urgent work;
- making films that are not commercial in nature and have obtained permission from the competent authority
- make purchases of goods
- giving lectures or attending seminars
- participate in international exhibitions
- attend meetings held with the head office or representatives in Indonesia
- conduct audits, production quality control, or inspections at company branches in Indonesia
- prospective foreign workers in testing their ability to work
However, multiple-entry visa will only be granted for the purpose of government duty, pre-investment, business, and family. Other than that, the government will grant the single-entry visit.
Length of Stay of Visit Visa/Visit Stay Permit
The length of stay a visit visa/visit stay permit is different between single entry, multiple entry, upon arrival and foreigners who are exempted to have a visa as below:
Single entry visa | : | maximum period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the date the Entry Mark is issued and cannot be extended |
Multiple entry visa | : | maximum period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the date of issuance of the entry sign and can be extended provided that the entire Stay Permit in the Indonesian territory is not more than 12 (twelve) months. |
Visit Stay Permit Upon Arrival | : | maximum period of 30 (thirty) days from the date of issuance of the entry sign and cannot be extended. |
Visit Stay Permits for Foreigners from countries who are exempted from the obligation to have a Visa |
The requirements may be amended, added, revised from time to time by the government without prior notice. This may be requested or informed during the application of the visa/stay permit to the government. However, if we refer to the immigration law, the requirements are:
- valid passport and still valid for at least 6 (six) months;
- a letter of guarantee from the Indonesian guarantor except for visits in the context of tourism;
- proof of having living expenses for himself and/or his family while in the Indonesian Territory is proven by showing current account, savings book, or time deposit for the last 3 (three) months belonging to a Foreigner or an Indonesian guarantor which describes the existence of a guarantee of sufficient living expenses for himself and/or his family. The minimum amount is required. Since the minimum may be changed from time to time, we can inform you during the process application with us;
- return ticket or one-way ticket to continue the journey to another country except for transport crew who will stop by to join his ship and continue his journey to other countries; and
- colour passport.

KITAS is often called residence permit as it does not have a maximum length of stay per visit unlike the visit visa/visit stay permit. The KITAS holder may also be granted a multiple re-entry permit which allows the foreigner to go back and forth of Indonesia. KITAS is granted for:
- Foreigners who are granted a status transfer from a KITAS;
- Foreigners who are legally married to Indonesian citizens;
- A newborn in the Indonesian territory and at the time of birth the father and/or mother are holders of a KITAS;
- the captain, crew, or foreign experts on board ships, floating equipment, or installations operating in Indonesian waters and jurisdictions in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations;
- child of a foreigner who is legally married to an Indonesian citizen;
- foreigners who are former Indonesian citizens; and
- foreigners to live in Indonesia as the second home.
KITAS can be granted for the purpose of work and non-work. The activities are included as below:
For working purposes:
- as an expert, clergy;
- carry out activities related to the profession by receiving payment, such as sports, artists, entertainment, medicine, consultants, lawyers, and commerce.;
- activities in the context of making commercial films and have obtained permits from the competent authority;
- carry out quality control of goods or production;
- perform inspections or audits on company branches in Indonesia;
- after-sales service;
- installing and repairing machines;
- perform non-permanent work in the context of construction;
- holding art, music, and sports performances;
- holding professional sports activities;
- carry out treatment activities;
- prospective foreign workers who will work in the framework of testing expertise; and
- join to work on ships, floats, or installations operating in the region archipelago waters, territorial sea, or continental shelf, as well as the Indonesian Exclusive Economic Zone.
For Non-Working Purposes:
- make foreign investment;
- participate in scientific research and training;
- attend education;
- family union;
- repatriation (Foreigners who are former Indonesian citizens who want to live in the Indonesian Territory); and
- second house.
Limited Stay Permits are granted for a maximum period of 5 (five) years and can be extended provided that the entire Stay Permit is not more than 10 (ten) years.
Limited Stay Permits can also be granted to Foreigners to do work, within a maximum period of 90 (ninety) days and can be extended provided that the total Stay Permit in the Indonesian Territory is not more than 180 (one hundred and eighty) days.
Limited Stay Permit for limited stay Visa holders upon arrival is granted for a maximum period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days and cannot be extended.
The requirements may be amended, added, revised from time to time by the government without prior notice. This may be requested or informed during the application of the visa/stay permit to the government. The requirements also depend on whether you apply as a foreigner who working or non-working, whether you come to Indonesia because marry an Indonesian spouse, etc. Therefore, please submit your inquiry and we will inform the requirements for your KITAS application.

KITAP will be granted for foreigners which meet certain requirements. KITAP is granted for:
- Foreigners holding KITAS as clergy, workers, investors, and in the context of a second house;
- family due to mixed marriage;
- husband, wife, and/or children of foreigners holding KITAP;
- Foreigner which is a former Indonesian citizen or former child subject with dual citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia;
- former child subject with dual citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia who chooses foreign citizenship;
- a child born in Indonesia to a foreigner parent holding a KITAP; and
- Indonesian citizens who lose Indonesian citizenship.
The KITAP of foreigners as referred to point a, b, c, and d will be granted through a status switch from KITAS and the rest will be granted without a status switch.
Additional note:
- Specifically, for the KITAS holders as clergy, worker, investor and second home, they can obtain KITAP if only they have lived permanently in Indonesia for 3 (three) consecutive years; and
- for mixed marriage couples, they can obtain KITAP after the age of marriage reaches 2 (two) years
KITAP is granted for a period of 5 (five) years. It may be granted an extension for an indefinite period of time provided that the Stay Permit is not cancelled.
The Immigration Officer may refuse the application for granting or extending a visit Stay Permit, KITAS and KITAP in the event that:
- your name is listed on the list of deterrence;
- your travel documents (i.e passport) were allegedly fake;
- suffering from a mental disorder or infectious disease that endangers public health or is suspected of committing an act that violates the prevailing moral norms in Indonesia;
- provide incorrect information in obtaining a Visa;
- suspected of being involved in international crimes and transnational organized crimes;
- show behaviour that endangers public security and order;
- included in the wanted list of people from a foreign country;
- suspected of being involved in treason activities against the government of the Republic of Indonesia; or
- suspected of being involved in political activities that are detrimental to the state.
Visit Stay Permit, KITAS, and KITAP that are already issued can be cancelled by the Minister or appointed Immigration Officer. Visit Stay Permit may be cancelled in the event that Foreigners:
- proven to have committed a crime against the state as regulated in the legislation;
- carry out activities that are dangerous or reasonably suspected to be harmful to public security and order;
- violate the provisions of laws and regulations;
- provide incorrect information in the application for a visit Stay Permit; or
- subject to Immigration Administrative Actions.
KITAS may be cancelled in the event that the Foreigner:
- proven to have committed a crime against the state as regulated in the legislation;
- carry out activities that are dangerous or reasonably suspected to be harmful to public security and order;
- violate the provisions of laws and regulations;
- provide incorrect information in the application for a visit Stay Permit; or
- subject to Immigration Administrative Actions; or
- break up of marital relations due to divorce and/or on court decisions for Foreigners who obtain limited Stay Permits due to legally married Indonesian citizens.
KITAP may be cancelled in the event that Foreigners:
- proven to have committed a crime against the state as regulated in the legislation;
- carry out activities that endanger state security or are reasonably suspected to be dangerous to public security and order;
- violates the integration statement;
- employing foreign workers without a work permit;
- provide incorrect information in the application for a KITAP;
- subject to Immigration Administrative Actions; or
- break up of marital relations Foreigners who are legally married to Indonesian citizens due to divorce and/or court decisions, except for marriages that are 10 (ten) years old or more.
Disclaimer: this article is for information purpose only and does not constitute any legal advice. For more details on how we can assist you on the visa and stay permit, please reach us below.