Setting Up PT PMA in Indonesia
It is called a foreign-owned company if any foreign individual or entity holds share(s) in an Indonesian company. A foreign-owned company is often called PT PMA which stands for Perseroan Terbatas Penanaman Modal Asing or the limited liability of foreign investment. In this article,...
Property Ownership in Indonesia for Foreigners
In terms of owning property in Indonesia, it can be in the form of the land and the building. Specifically for the land, the regulations provide 3 (three) types of land strata title. There are Right to Use (Hak Pakai),...
Marry an Indonesian? 5 Things You Should Prepare
PRENUPTIAL OR POSTNUP AGREEMENT (hereinafter referred to “Agreement”) This agreement is quite essential if the couples plan to buy property in Indonesia. The purpose of the Agreement is to separate the wealth of a married couple. Based on Indonesian marriage...
Indonesian Visa and Stay Permit: A Complete Guidance of KITAS, KITAP, VISIT STAY
To enter the Indonesian territory, every Foreigner must have a legal and valid (i) passport; (ii) visa as the entry document (except those who are exempt from the obligation to have a Visa); and (iii) stay permit to legally stay...
E-Commerce and Marketplace in Indonesia: Requirements to Do the Business
The e-commerce and marketplace essentially conduct buying and selling products and services online or electronically. E-commerce is a retail online meanwhile marketplace is a platform between the seller and buyer to do transaction electronically. According to Indonesian regulatory, the e-commerce...
How Foreign E-commerce and Marketplace Doing Business in Indonesia
The Indonesian government has issued a regulation for foreign business practitioners specifically in e-commerce and marketplace business. The “foreign” itself is defined as a foreign individual or business entity that incorporates and is domiciled outside the Indonesian jurisdiction which carried...
What Is a PT Company in Indonesia? Here Are 5 Key Points
Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute any legal advice. Perseroan Terbatas (“PT”) is a limited liability company that is established under Indonesian law. The capital of a limited liability company is divided into shares...
Offshore Indonesia Visa Application Is Now Open for Foreigners
UPDATE: Offshore Indonesia Visa Application is Now Open for Foreigners as Per 15 September 2021 The visa offshore application which previously being closed, it has been reopened as per 15 September 2021 based on Regulation of the Minister of Law...
Indonesia’s New Positive Investment List: Making the Investment Open for the Foreigners
Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute any legal advice. It is the government’s commitment to create a friendly-investor country. Indonesia has released a positive investment through Presidential Regulation No. 10 Year 2021...
Filing A Foreign Investment Activity Report (LKPM)
There is a report that must be submitted by the investors which is is a foreign investment activity report or known as “LKPM”. This is a mandatory pursuant to the Article 5 Point c BKPM Chairman Regulation Number 5 Year...
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